The pulses at the wrist reflect the state of Energy in the body and mind. Is the Chi in that meridian weak, strong, or normal? By reading the pulses one knows what is happening in all the meridian processes of the human body.
Consider the white and black keys on the piano keyboard. The black keys would be the superficial pulses and the white keys the deep pulses. One finger can tap or feel the black and white key adjacent to each other. There are twelve meridians and there are twelve pulse readings. Six meridians are on the left hand and the other six are on the right hand.
The superficial pulses include the hollow organs, while the deep pulses pick up the condition of the solid organs.
Reading the pulses is done by gentle palpation and is done with great concentration. Each pulse is read separately but all form a cohesive harmonious picture of the whole person.
The pulses for the Liver and Gall Bladder are read on the left hand. They are both read with the middle finger at the radial artery area of the wrist. Both are in the same location, however the deeper pulse is in the Liver.
The pulse for the heart and small intestines are read on the left hand by the index finger and are more distal. Superficial pressure finds the small intestine meridian while deeper palpation finds the heart pulse.
Illustrations of the other positions are found on the accompanying diagram.
Each pulse has a sister, which is why two are read in the same position though at different pressure. The coupling maintains the balance of two inseparable cosmic forces that depend on the Chi Energy for balance, that is YinYang. Information on the pulses can disclose 28 different characteristics. It takes years to accomplish pulse readings but it is another way of accurately assessing the condition of the energy pathways in the body
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